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Water Resources Data System
Dept 3943
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Ph (307) 766-6651
Fax (307) 766-3785
At 9:59a, 1/27/20 Temperature 38.8°F Wind 0.0 mph
Education & Outreach

(image from Kids NIEHS)
At WRDS and the State Climate Office, our goal is to educate and inform the citizens of Wyoming on matters related to water and climate. We specialize in providing historical context for current and ongoing climatic events, and we serve as a conduit for data produced by a variety of State and Federal Agencies. Our mission is to assemble available information on water, climate and drought, and place it in a Wyoming perspective.
Listed below are educational links related to climate and weather.
Wyoming Water and Climate Information
Water and Climate Data Sources
Sky Watcher's Guide to Clouds and other Aerial Phenomena
NOAA Climatic Prediction Center
Frequently Used National Weather Service (NWS) Terms
General Climate Glossary
Comprehensive Glossary for Weather Spotters
Terminology and Weather Symbols (from the Ocean Prediction Center)
For the Classroom
NOAA Weather Education
NOAA Education Specially for Teachers
NOAA Educational Materials
NOAA Cool Sites for Everyone
NOAA Education Specially for Students
National Weather Service's Playtime for Kids
National Drought Mitigation Center's Drought for Kids
Weather Central for Kids! - A Guide to Weather Phenomena
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) for Kids
American Meteorological Society K13 Educational Initiative
University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center Explore the Atmosphere!
ESCAPE (Earth Science Component for Academic Enhancement)